Spring Term 2019 8th Jan – 26th March
Intermediate A: 7:30 – 8:30pm
Intermediate B: 8:30 – 9:30pm
Tuesdays @ St Barnabas Church Hall, Shacklewell Row, Dalston, London E8 2EA.
Not Sure?
If you’d like to take the first class as a taster – “try before you buy” – or have any questions please email edward.watson8@gmail.com
The Course
We teach a 12 week pre-paid term which is split into two 6 week modules. The level of both classes will be the same this term but will cover different material so, theoretically, students could take just one lesson. The real idea behind this is to give you the opportunity to get two hours of training to really take your dancing to the next level. In addition to that, working with a group over a longer period of time means we get to tailor our lessons to the group, the class find a greater sense of cohesion which improves learning and our lessons can cover more content because there is less repetition. Plus, it gives you great value for money (from £6.25 per hour)!
The Level
To get the most out of these lessons you should have a solid grasp of the core figures (Tuck Turn, Change Places, Texas Tommy, Lindy Circle, Swing-out and Basic Lindy Charleston) and a good knowledge of the repertoire covered in Improvers classes, including; Send-out, Basket, Catapult, Tandem and Hand-to-Hand Charleston, and some variations on key moves such as Swing-Outs. You will also have an appreciation of lead and follow connection, tension and frame, and your footwork should be second nature. You occasionally social dance and have probably started thinking a little more about your relationship to swing music.
7:30pm-8:30pm Intermediate A – In the first module of the first class we will focus on our connection in closed position and refine our ability to lead and follow. We’ll go into the detail of how we can be guided in our movement and ensure clear communication throughout the dance. This will include variations on the Lindy-Circle, 8-Count Butterfly variations, Extended Swingouts and Skip-Ups.
8:30pm-9:30pm Intermediate B – In the first module of this term we will be focussing on figures and principles which link to the “Inside Turn”. During the six weeks we will look in depth at all the applications of this type of movement so by the end of the module the work we do in class will be translated onto the social floor. This will include Roll-Outs, Pop Turns, Inside Turn Catches and Barrel Rolls.
If you’re wondering which course is right for you or want to avoid booking fees then please please get in touch – edward.watson8@gmail.com
Class A, Class B, or Both?
We’re hoping the majority of our students choose to take both classes but understand that time and money won’t always allow that. Although each class can be taken individually we think they work best when done together.
How To Book
To avoid additional fees for you, we will continue with our DIY booking system. Just email edward.watson8@gmail.com to express your interest in joining the course. You will then receive payment instructions and once you have then paid your place will be guaranteed.
Course fee: £100 per class / £150 for two classes for 12 weeks of classes.
If you are unsure whether these levels are right for you, just contact the lovely Ed on 07876 024356 / edward.watson8@gmail.com